Job Seeker Benefits

At Sunny Coast Jobs, we connect job seekers with employers. We do this by keeping a registry of businesses looking for certain types of staff so that once you set up your profile they can find you, and you can search for jobs you’re interested in.

If you’d rather your details were kept private, then skip completing that part of your profile. Either way, you can still apply for positions and connect with employers.

No more wandering the streets handing in your resume!

With chronic staff shortages in many industries, employers are keener than ever to find you. We help both of you connect online so you don’t have to hit the pavements and they have a central location to search for job seekers like you.

Help us help you connect with employers!

We don’t and won’t charge fees to job seekers. By setting up a profile and engaging with this site, you are helping employers see the value of using digital tools to search for talent instead of signs in windows! We saw employers using outdated ways to find staff on the Sunshine Coast (which is our home too) and we decided to contribute a solution.

Please sign up and let’s get started helping you find your perfect job.
